About Me
Hi, My name is Pam Timmermans and I have been a teacher for almost 10 years. I have 2 businesses; North River Soap Shoppe and Pam's Designs.
I dove into the world of making natural products like soap, lotions, and balms when I became pregnant with my first son in 2006. I threw out every chemical in my house and went au naturel. Last year, we were raising funds for a playground at our school (WE SUCCEEDED!), so I put on a few soap making classes to gain support. My oldest son thought this was fantastic and super fun, so now North River Soap Shoppe is a group effort.
I've always loved computers and fiddling around on them, so in 2010, I decided that I was going to learn how to use Photoshop and Illustrator. I have to say, this is definitely a fun endeavour. I started Pam's Designs (I know, it's not that original, but I had just had my 2nd child and some serious mommy brain had set in), my graphic design business and started a store on Zazzle. This year, I discovered Teachers Pay Teachers and was super excited. I didn't realize that there was a site that combined my love for graphic design and my passion for teaching. HOW FANTASTIC! So, I started this adventure in September of 2014 with my new store, Little Monster's Classroom. I can't wait to see how many students will be using my products (that's such an amazing feeling).
- I wear 2 hats, The Mom Hat and The Teacher Hat (the hardest part is remembering to take off the teacher hat and put the mom hat back on)
- Little me, has a black belt in karate (it hangs out in my closet, but hey, I still earned it)
My mom and I |
- I don't own a cell phone
- Are they convenient? YES!
- Are they expensive? YES!
- Am I cheap? YES!
- I have been a supply teacher for about 10 years, an entrepreneur for 8, and a mom for almost 8; it's a busy life!
- I'm loving my new endeavour, Teachers Pay Teachers (It's so much fun testing out my new lessons in all the classes I work in)
- I like to be cozy, so dress clothes are for the classroom and PJs are for all day at home
When I got my Mac for Pam's Designs, we discovered that there's a fun photo booth app on the dock. So, we often spend a good half hour or so making funny faces. Love life and laugh often!
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